Ensemble Stars!! is a captivating idol nurturing 3D LIVE rhythm game that offers players an immersive experience. With a vibrant cast of 49 unique boys across 14 distinct units, it’s a sequel that enhances the world of Yumenosaki Academy. Players can enjoy upgraded 3D graphics and engage with compelling narratives voiced by an ensemble of about 40 renowned voice actors, including Hikaru Midorikawa and Yuuki Kaji. The game caters to all skill levels with four difficulty settings, allowing everyone from novices to veterans to find their groove. Discover the charm of idol life and explore breathtaking performances while collecting gift codes to enhance your journey!
Redeem: To redeem codes in 앙상블스타즈!!, go to the game’s main menu, select “Settings,” then “Redeem Code.”
- Donors: Eureka Creation Limited
- Contact: [email protected]
- Homepage: https://es2.happyelements.kr/
- Get it On: Google Play - v2.5.6785